MT Pledge | MediaTracks Music
MT Pledge

MT Pledge

MT Pledge

Credits Due Pledge

At MediaTracks, we are committed to upholding best practices in providing thoroughly vetted metadata for all tracks in our catalogue. As members of Credits Due, we adhere to the initiative's standards of attaching complete and accurate details directly at the point of a track's creation.

Our commitment includes:
• Verifying and correctly spelling writer, performer, and other credits involved in the composition and recording
• Obtaining permission to sample any third party material
• Linking ISRC, ISWC and Tunecodes and labels to register tracks
• Identifying writers royalty percentages on collaborative works
• Accurate and relevant keyword descriptors

Meeting Credits Due standards at time of production better facilitates accurate compensation downstream to those who contributed. MediaTracks pledges our solidarity in establishing reliable metadata processes so the music makers receive full recognition for their creative work. We aim to set an example in fairly administering the rights of artists through comprehensive metadata and licensing integrity.

Please reach out to us with any metadata-related questions as Credits Due members.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Pledge

MediaTracks is committed to upholding the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion. We actively seek out and provide opportunities to underrepresented voices in music production.

We champion composers from diverse backgrounds including women, minority ethnic groups, LGBTQ+ artists, and other demographics less visible in the industry. The perspectives they bring expands the musical narratives we offer.

We strive to maintain diversity within our staff and partners. Hiring practices emphasise accessibility, equal opportunities, and mitigating unconscious biases that impede progress.

We collaborate with organisations that empower and amplify underrepresented creators by showcasing their work more widely.

Nurturing an ethical, compassionate, inclusive environment is continuous work. We embrace that improving diversity brings us closer realising our full creative potential.

Please reach out with any questions as we aim to lead by example in celebrating humanity in all its variety through music.

EDI Partnerships