BBC - Travel Show | MediaTracks Music

BBC - Travel Show

Join the team on their journey of discovery as they explore new destinations around the globe and uncover hidden sides to some of the world's favourite holiday hotspots.

Join the team on their journey of discovery as they explore new destinations around the globe and uncover hidden sides to some of the world's favourite holiday hotspots.

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Geoff Wilkinson

Geoff’s musical journey has been something quite extraordinary. A self-taught musician and DJ, he started out on the decks at The Jazz Café in Camden, after being Music Editor for The Good Times listings magazine.

While all of this was going on, Geoff also began to get approaches about doing music for films, including title credits for major Hollywood movies Get Shorty and The Flintstones. Despite this, it wasn’t until 2008 that he learned through a friend about the opportunities available with library music. After winding up Us3 in 2014, he built a studio at home and has been working on library tracks ever since. He joined MediaTracks in 2017, after spotting the opportunity to introduce jazz-hip hop tracks into our collection. Geoff enjoys the creative freedom that library work brings, allowing him to think outside the box and experiment with different genres and styles.

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