Already have a blanket license? | MediaTracks Music
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Already have a blanket license?

Our tracks are pre-cleared for all media, worldwide in perpetuity, and are available to license via PRS for Music.

You can choose to license our music under a broadcaster blanket, an IPC agreement, or via the PRS Production Music rate card - whichever option suits your business best.

Within the UK, all usage of our music including Television, Film, Radio, Advertising, Online or Non-broadcast Productions are licensed by MCPS Production Music - PRS for Music. Please see the Rate Card for pricing.

MediaTracks Music catalogue is also available through the broadcaster music platforms.

Need help?

If you need any help, please contact us and we will promise to get back to you in 30 minutes (during business hours). | +44 (0)20 3357 1290

Outside of these times, we have compiled some straightforward answers to the frequently asked questions.

We hope this helps...