John Maycraft | MediaTracks Music
John Maycraft

John Maycraft

John Maycraft

John Maycraft


John Maycraft

The requirements at MediaTracks are clearly and articulately defined; hence a strong picture of what is needed.

John Maycraft’s musical story began at the age of six when he was on a family visit to a fairground. It was a cold night at the fair but the music of the Beatles, Roy Orbison and Bobby Darin played over the fairground speakers, creating a sense of warmth for John.

That atmosphere that night was electric, and it was then that John fell in love with music, sound, melody and harmony. John then began to pick up instruments and hone his craft, during his teens he was fortunate enough to meet Bernie Calvert from The Hollies, who took him under his wing and gave him a hands on musical education. John and Bernie still co write together and the two have remained good friends all these years later.

John pursued a career in music and is now full-time, Composer, Arranger and Musician. Inspired by nature, John’s work is almost always instrumental and minimalist. His works often include instruments with timed echoes and interweaving arrangements, reminiscent of the Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Ratio mathematical principles that are often found in the natural world.

Production music excites John, he enjoys trying new and challenging briefs that allow him to develop and refine his style. Many examples of his work have been featured on well known TV programmes (The One show, Bargain Hunt, Rip off Britain, James May 'Reassembler'). His particular style of music and underscore is also used frequently in Europe, particularly France and Germany.


John’s music has been featured on: The One show, Eastenders, Bargain Hunt (BBC 1), James May 20th Century: (Nat Geographic Channel), Rip off Britain (Channel 4). His music has also been used on the Athletics and the Olympics programming.

Dream commission:

John is a great admirer of artists like Mike Oldfield, Phillip Glass and Steve Reich. So his dream commission would be a documentary on any of those guys!


Electric and Acoustic guitars, (Vintage Martin Acoustics, Gibson and Fender Electrics) Eventide Echo units, Nemesis Audio delay units, Neumann Microphones.

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